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MTSS/PBIS Professional Development Series 2021-2022, Cohort 4

Did you know a multi-tiered system of support isn’t just about

academic interventions? It’s about the integration of social emotional

wellness and behavior as a way to positively influence the academic

success of our students. This includes a critical element of a

successful school experience, the social emotional wellness of both

students and staff.

Research suggests that rates in school discipline and Special Education referrals are associated with implicit bias. In this training, you’ll receive an overview of Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

with an emphasis on Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). You’ll also learn a school-wide approach to reducing the effects of implicit bias in decision making.

In this professional learning experience, multi-disciplinary teams will learn to use data to identify areas of concern, use culturally relevant practices with students, and build support systems for educators that promote equity for students.

This training includes a Professional Learning Community format aimed at techniques for giving students equitable access to quality instruction. Other learning objectives include:

● Increasing the voice of students and families in their educational systems

● Creating a safe and welcoming school culture

● Examining school-wide expectations and teaching matrices for hidden biases and increasing cultural responsiveness

● Disaggregating data to address disproportionality in exclusionary discipline and placement in special education

● Using instructional practices to replace exclusionary responses to problem behavior

● Changing punitive practices that disproportionately harm students with disabilities and students of color

● Identifying our own biases about student behavior and replacing deficit thinking with a strengths-based approach

Intended Audience: Participants must register as multidisciplinary teams. Teams should include representatives from general education, special education, mental health service providers, site/district administrators, and other key stakeholders.

Day 1 & Day 2 Training: February 8 & February 15, 2022, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (lunch break provided)

Professional Learning Community (PLC) Sessions (required): Mar 1, Mar 29, Apr 19,May 17 (9:00 am to 11:30 am)

Office Hours: (one 45 minute session required per team) Mar 2, Mar 3, Mar 30 or Mar 31 (3:00-4:30 pm)